AP Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu on Wednesday raked up the educational qualifications of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and said Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal would be 1,000 times better to hold the position. “Kejriwal is 1,000 times more efficient than Modi. Kejriwal can tell where he got his degree, I can say where I got my degree, but the PM can’t,” Mr Naidu said.
Vijayawada: AP Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu on Wednesday raked up the educational qualifications of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and said Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal would be 1,000 times better to hold the position. “Kejriwal is 1,000 times more efficient than Modi. Kejriwal can tell where he got his degree, I can say where I got my degree, but the PM can’t,” Mr Naidu said.
He said that with limited powers, the Delhi government under Mr Kejriwal had done wonderful work.
Mr Naidu had recently dragged Mr Modi’s wife Jashodaben into his political discourse stating that the Prime Minister had invited it by speaking about his son Lokesh.
Naidu alleged that the BJP was violating federalism and said invasion of privacy through increased surveillance had increased, there was denigration and misuse of institutions to vindicate the opposition leaders.
In his appeal to all parties, he said “We are in danger, we have to protect this nation. Democracy is under threat. If all of us are not united, this is the last election for all of us.”
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