In a huge embarrassment for Delhi police, a lower court in Delhi on Saturday acquitted Aam Aadmi Party MLA, Akhilesh Pati Tripathi while admonishing the police for filing trumped up charges against the legislator.
The Rohini court also warned Delhi police not to file false cases against MLAs in future.
Delhi police on 26 November had arrested Tripathi, in a two-year-old rioting case.
Tripathi, MLA from Model Town, was sent to Tihar jail for a day before being released on bail a day later.
The AAP government in Delhi has always accused the Delhi police of carrying out a politics of vendetta against its elected representatives in the capital. Delhi police reports to the BJP led central government. The BJP had suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of AAP in this year’s assembly elections in February.
Saturday’s acquittal has prompted the twitter users, mostly supporters of AAP, to launch fresh attack against Delhi police.
Renowned music composer, Vishal Dadlani asked the MLA to sue Delhi Police;
The media too came under attack for ignoring this story even though Tripathi’s arrest had dominated almost every news channel’s news agenda. The channels in particular had wasted no time in given blow by blow coverage to his arrest.
Dadlani expressed his outrage on Indian media’s decision to completely ignore Saturday’s development.
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