New Delhi: Court order thoroughly exposes Delhi Police’s failed bid to book Commando Surinder under false charges at behest of BJP’s central government :
- Detailed order exposes Police attempts to cook up a false case
- Court questions the Police for its attempts to implicate the former NSG commando for kidnapping charges
- Delhi Police should apologise for its thorough partisan role
Delhi Police needs to explain to the people of Delhi under whose directions it had acted to unsuccessfully implicate former NSG commando MLA Surinder Singh in a case of kidnapping, which has thoroughly exposed it in a court of law.
The Aam Aadmi Party is putting in public domain the bail order of the court to release MLA Commando Surinder Singh, so that the extent to which the Delhi Police is willing to stoop to impress its political masters is known to the public. (Please find attached the bail order of the court along with this press release).
In its five-page order, the court has clearly stated : “Further, if all the allegations levelled by the prosecution are accepted on their face value, even then the ingredients of the offence under Section 367 IPC i.e. kidnapping or abducting to cause grevious hurt, slavery etc., are not even remotely attracted.” (Page 4 of the order)
AAP leadership had itself twice taken Commando Surinder to the top brass of the Delhi Police and had categorically told them that the police will not have to look for any AAP MLA or volunteer against whom it registers an FIR, since we have nothing to hide.
It is however, extremely shocking that the top Delhi Police officials, who of late have been making political statements at the behest of BJP’s central government, badly miscalculated their move to harass a former commando who had courageously fought and in the process even lost hearing capacity partially during the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack.
The Delhi Police, whose unjustifiable actions are being dictated by the BJP leadership, is running the risk of losing even further its already severely eroded credibility further and its facade of impartiality is in tatters.
Delhi Police would do well to seriously analyse the latest figures of the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), which have given Delhi a dubious distinction of being the rape capital of the country.
The onus of restoring its eroded credibility and making the national capital safe city lies squarely with the Delhi Police and sooner it comes of its shadow of surrendering meekly to political pressure, better it will be for all concerned.
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