Amethi: Aam Aadmi Party Amethi candidate Kumar Vishwas on Tuesday took a jibe at the Bharatiya janata Party candidate Smriti Irani and Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi saying Amethi is sick of actors. This comes a day after the BJP decided to field Smriti Irani against Rahul and Vishwas in Amethi.
"We don't care who the BJP or the Congress pitches against me. Amethi is already sick of a political actors. Rahul is a political actor. Now one more actor has joined the fray," Kumar Vishwas said.
Meanwhile, Smriti Irani has accused the AAP of being hand-in-glove with the Congress. She said, "The fight in Amethi will be BJP vs Congress as the AAP is a B-team of the Congress."
She also said that Amethi has seen no development under Rahul. "With a collapsed primary education system, no 24-hour electricity and low GDP, Rahul himself has become a challenge for Amethi," Smriti said.
Rahul has won the Amethi seat twice - in 2004 and 2009. Kumar Vishwas from the Aam Aadmi Party is also in the fray from Amethi.
"We don't care who the BJP or the Congress pitches against me. Amethi is already sick of a political actors. Rahul is a political actor. Now one more actor has joined the fray," Kumar Vishwas said.
Meanwhile, Smriti Irani has accused the AAP of being hand-in-glove with the Congress. She said, "The fight in Amethi will be BJP vs Congress as the AAP is a B-team of the Congress."
She also said that Amethi has seen no development under Rahul. "With a collapsed primary education system, no 24-hour electricity and low GDP, Rahul himself has become a challenge for Amethi," Smriti said.
Rahul has won the Amethi seat twice - in 2004 and 2009. Kumar Vishwas from the Aam Aadmi Party is also in the fray from Amethi.
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